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bare blog

low waste recipes

low waste recipes

Author: Laura Yurincich. Feeling daunted by the idea of low-waste cooking? bare market blogger Laura shares her favourite dinner and dessert recipes and gives some great tips for keeping your kitchen waste free. 

the Amazon Rainforest  is still on fire and we need to save it

the Amazon Rainforest is still on fire and we need to save it

Author: Becca Schmidtke The Amazon rainforest is “the lungs of the Earth”, it produces 20% of the world’s oxygen and it’s currently on fire. 

tidying up with Marie Kondo & bare market

tidying up with Marie Kondo & bare market

photo by Nirvar Pangarkar Author: Laura Yurincich Been inspired by Netflix? Thinking of Marie Kondo-ing your place? bBare mMarket Blogger Laura guides you through how to purge sustainably. 

food waste hacks: how to make a meal from kitchen scraps

food waste hacks: how to make a meal from kitchen scraps

Author: Sarah Brown Think those sad looking veggies at the bottom of the fridge need to be composted? Think again! Bare Market blogger Sarah challenges you to rethink your fridge scraps and teaches you how to create a meal out of (seemingly) nothing. Go on, give it a try! 

5 tips for living a low-waste student life

5 tips for living a low-waste student life

photo by Siora Author: Eva Grace How do you live your low-waste lifestyle? What habits do you try to keep each day to create less waste? 

cleaning up your community

cleaning up your community

Author: Laura Yurincich Want to make the world less trashy but don’t know where to start? bare market blogger Laura walks you through how she (and her partner) clean up their neighbourhood little by little. 

treat every week like it’s Shark Week

treat every week like it’s Shark Week

 Photo by: Jakob Owens Author: Rebecca Schmidtke Have you always found sharks to be scary, people-munching creatures of the deep? Well did you k...
beeswax wraps are the bee’s knee’s

beeswax wraps are the bee’s knee’s

Author: Emma Hill Looking for an alternative to single use plastic wrap and ziploc bags? Beeswax wraps are a great option! bare market blogger Emma shares her recommendations on how to use and make beeswax wraps.  

adopting a low-waste lifestyle: Q&A with shop owner and eco-enthusiast Erika Brodzky

adopting a low-waste lifestyle: Q&A with shop owner and eco-enthusiast Erika Brodzky

Author: Simone Quenneville Embracing a low-waste lifestyle can seem like an overwhelming prospect at times. But taking simple steps like carrying your own water bottle can make all the difference. bare market blogger Simone talks to Toronto small business owner Erika Brodsky about developing sustainable practices in her businesses and home and her tips for low-waste living. 

how to go low waste in the city

how to go low waste in the city

Photo by Boxed Water Author: Ira Hernandez Interested in adopting more sustainable habits but feeling overwhelmed? Where do you even go to find the things you need? 

byol (bring-your-own-lunch) 101

byol (bring-your-own-lunch) 101

author: Simone Quenneville It’s starting to get to that time of day. Your stomach is rumbling, your losing concentration, all you can think about now is lunch. What do you have planned? 

zero waste or low impact: do terms really matter?

zero waste or low impact: do terms really matter?

Photo by: Author: Josephine Agueci Are you low-waste? Sustainable? Or zero waste? And does it really matter?